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Personal and Ethical Foundations

Knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop and maintain integrity in one's life and work, a standard of ethics, and commitment to one's own wellness and growth where personal and ethical foundations are aligned. 

Articulate key elements of one's set of personal beliefs and commitments, as well as the source of each.

  • Illinois State University | EAF 428 Foundations of Student Affairs Practice | Within this course we discussed our personal ethics and values and why they were so important to us as people and student affairs professionals. We also discussed how we could bring those ethics and values into our work.


Appropriately question institutional actions which are not consistent with ethical standards.

  • Illinois State University | WGS 490: Feminist Theories and Methodologies | This course helped me to better focus my attention on how the institution is working for minority students, and ask the important questions of why their ethics and values often do not match up with their actions.


Articulate awareness and understanding of one's attitudes, values, beliefs, assumptions, biases and identify how they affect one's integrity and work with others.

  • Illinois State University | WGS 490: Feminist Theories and Methodologies | During this course, I was able to read material that highlighted issues of racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia. These materials and authors allowed me to grow and better understand my views on the issues above, giving me a stronger foundation to work with when talking about these issues and fighting against them in my social justice work.


Identify the challenges associated with balancing personal and professional responsibilities, and recognize the intersection of one's personal and professional life.

  • Graduate Student | As someone who is going into her third year of graduate school, I am not a stranger to the challenges of balancing my personal and professional responsibilities. I've learned that, for me, setting up an easy routine is the best way for me to stay on task. I make sure to take time each week to go through my weekly to do list and make sure I am not over loading myself. I have also learned to set realistic boardaries in both my professional and personal life to keep myself focused and less stressed.


Identify one's primary work responsibilities and, with appropriate, ongoing feedback, craft a realistic, summative appraisal of one's strengths and limitations.

  • Graduate Student | During each of my graduate assistantships, I have made sure to keep an open communication with my supervisors to make sure I always had open, honest feedback that I could reflect on and use to grow in my role.


Articulate an understanding that wellness is a broad concept comprised of emotional, physical, social, environmental, relational, spiritual, moral, and intellectual elements.

  • Graduate School | As a graduate student, I have spent a large amount of time trying to understand what self-care is and is not and how to balance wellness along with the stress of work and classes. I have found that finding wellness, happiness, and reflection throughout the day can make for better mental health than if I were to wait until the end of the day to relax and take time for myself.


Recognize and articulate healthy habits for better living.

  • Graduate School | Going off of my statements above, my favorite habits have become finding those small moments throughout the day where I can do some deep breathing, eat my favorite nutritious snack, take a walk around the office (or even go outside if it is nice!), etc. Other habits I have incorporated are positive self talk, not apologizing when 'sorry' is not needed in the conversation (ie. saying "excuse me" instead of "I'm sorry" when bumping into someone in the hallway), and not feeling like I cannot say no to a social situation.


Recognize the importance of reflection in personal, professional, and ethical development.

  • Illinois State University | Graduate Student | During my time at Illinois State especially, I have learned the importance of reflection in my work. I use this tool as a way to continue to update my values and ethics, gain more insight into being a social justice advocate, as well as building important relationships with my students.


Create and implement an individualized plan for healthy living.

  • Graduate Student | As an organized individual, I thrive on routine. During the school year especially, I build myself a detailed routine that often has built in time for working out, meal prepping, and even time for relaxing or meditating. That being said, I have had many days where my routine does not go as planned, and because I have made it a habit for myself to try and remain calm during stressful situations, even during the days when my routine fails, I still find joy in a little chaos.


Design naturally occurring reflection processes within one's everyday work.

  • Graduate Student | A big part of learning how to manage large workloads, changing schedules, and stressful parts of graduate school is using reflection during several parts of my day. Just taking even a few minutes here and there helps me to re focus.



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