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Law, Policy, and Governance

Knowledge, skills, and dispositions relating to policy development, application of legal constructs, compliance / policy issues, and the understanding of governance structures.

Know when and how to consult with one's immediate supervisor and institutional legal counsel regarding matters that may have legal ramifications.

  • Black Hawk Community College Student Success Center | During my time as an administrative assistant at Black Hawk, issues came to my attention concerning harassment in the workplace. This resulted in my having to have an immediate and professional discussion with my supervisor and several discussions with Human Resources.


Explain concepts of risk management, reasonable accommodation, and enact liability reduction strategies.

  • Illinois State UniversityHousing Graduate Assistant | During my time in housing, I learned, explained, and enforced the residence halls' policies and regulations. Often I would receive receipts showing what policy a student had broken, and I would enforce the policy by contacting the student, setting up a meeting, and discussing with them what the consequence would be (depending on the policy broken).



  • EAF 466 College Students and the Law




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