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Theories Used In My Daily Work

Sanford's Theory of Challenge and Support is useful especially when I am working one-on-one with students. Often I will discuss with students what their goals and expectations are for themselves personally and professionally for the month, semester, and year. This gives them a chance to maximize their growth potential in an space that is safe.

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When I work with students, it is essential that I remember that identities cannot be separated. Social identities are not bricks piled one on top of the other to make a person; rather, the individual is affected by all of those identities in an interwoven way. One theory on identity alone cannot serve all the needs of the holistic student. Crenshaw's theory on intersectionality helps to understand how interlocking identities privilege and oppress individuals.

During my time in student affairs, I have found that utilizing the model of Dimensions of Wellness has been helpful for students to understand what part of their life requires self-care. While that care might look different for every individual, it is important for us to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Balancing dimensions of wellness can help create a more well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

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